Consider the state of the economy today. In the third quarter alone of 2012, there were more than 9,000 people that filed for bankruptcy in the state of Indiana. That number reflects just a few months, and it comes on the heels of 2011, a year during which there were more than 40,000 people that filed for bankruptcy in Indiana. The increase in bankruptcy filings means there has been an increase in the attempts to seem disadvantaged when really a person was just trying to skirt the law and save some money. Some people choose to lie on their bankruptcy forms, even though it is a form of perjury that constitutes a federal crime in this nation.
Do not lie on your forms when you are ready to file for bankruptcy. Companies that are about to shut their doors for good may be tempted to overstate their losses in order to secure bankruptcy. However, if a company is caught lying on their bankruptcy forms, any person responsible for the submission of those forms could face criminal prosecution. The good news is that technology company Epiq Systems estimates that about 1.25 million Americans are going to file for bankruptcy this year, a number that has decreased from 1.38 million during the previous year.
If you need to find a bankruptcy lawyer Indiana has several professionals that will work with you to help you through this process. Bankruptcy in Indiana has some special laws that you should know about before you file. Filing bankruptcy in indiana can be a complex process, especially for companies. Your Indiana bankruptcy attorney will walk you through the process. A bankruptcy lawyer Indiana has on hand can walk you through the process of foreclosure indiana lenders will pursue if you are not able to pay for your house. You can also count on an Indiana bankruptcy attorney to file the appropriate chapter of bankruptcy for your business.
Sports Illustrated suggests that there are about three out of every four professional athletes they go bankrupt or face major financial damage within two years of retirement or having to leave the sport due to injury. A bankruptcy lawyer Indiana provides can help clients in any budget range to protect their financial futures. Research a bankruptcy lawyer Indiana provides on the web before contacting his or her office. Once you find the right bankruptcy lawyer Indiana bankruptcy issues will be easier to understand.