The Centers for Disease Control estimates that every year in the U.S. 48 million people become ill from a foodborne illness because of these pathogens. 128,000 of those are hospitalized and around 3,000 die. E coli is a pathogen that can cause illness, for example. Most E. coli strains are harmless (and are found as part of the naturally occuring flora of the gut), but some serotypes can cause serious food poisoning in humans. Because of the threat of disease, food safety is essential. In the restaurant industry, a food handling certificate, food safety certification, or food and hygiene course for employees can help to ensure high restaurant food safety standards.
A food safety certification course helps employees to better understand food and sanitation rules. One of the most important food and sanitation safety tips is to always wash your hands prior to handling food, as the things we touch everyday are often loaded with bacteria. In addition, one of the most important food safety tips is to always refrigerate perishable food. However, it is important to note that when perishable food is refrigerated, bacterial growth slows down dramatically, but it does not stop. In addition. All meat products should be placed on the lowest possible shelf, to ensure that meat juices cannot contaminate other foods. The bottom line is that there are numerous things to take into consideration when dealing with food safety, some of which many not necessarily be totally obvious. Therefore, a food handling certificate, food safety certification course, or food protection course for employees can be highly beneficial, helping them to understand food and sanitation protocol.