How to Effectively Treat Your Dark Gums

Gum bleaching cost

Did you know that people who suffer from gum disease are actually twice as likely to suffer from heart problems, as well? Excess melanin, for example, is known to cause dark gums. Although the most common cause of gum discoloration is genetics, gum pigmentation treatments are available to help remove excess melanin. By seeking these cosmetic teeth surgery options, you will no longer have to live with dark or discolored gums.

There are two common ways to treat gum discoloration. One option some dentists utilize is gum tissue grafting. During this procedure, a healthy section of the gum is surgically removed and used to transplant the discolored sections of the gums. Another popular option is gum bleaching, which is generally done using lasers. These special lasers target the cells of the darkened areas and destroy them in order to help your gums regain their pigmentation. Laser treatment is often the preferred choice because it requires only a few treatment sessions that can be completed in about an hour.

Dark gum treatment is significantly beneficial to patients who undergo the procedure because they see a remarkable difference in their gums. In fact, just one laser treatment can keep gums brightly colored and healthy for up to 20 years. However, patients who have underlying oral disease, such as cancer or fungal infections, are not good candidates for this form of cosmetic teeth surgery.

Although hyperpigmentation of the gums is often the result of genetics, it can still be effectively treated. Laser treatment, for example, is one of the most popular treatment methods because it is a reliable way to eliminate excess melanin. By seeking this form of treatment, you will no longer have to feel self-conscious about your dark gums.

One Thought to “How to Effectively Treat Your Dark Gums”

  1. Abigail Mack

    Hello there, I hate to admit it, but I suffer from dark gums. My gums arent all dark though, it is only just a few spots. Is there anyone out there who can please let me know if this laser treatment is actually good or not?

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