Online marketing is the best way to get your website noticed. Many people do their shopping online rather than going to brick and mortar stores. They research the best websites by using a search engine. The higher up websites is, the greater the chance that it will be noticed and visited by a user. Knowing this, companies often invest in marketing strategies to help push their website to the top of a search engine results page. Businesses often hire search engine optimization (SEO) companies to help accomplish this goal. SEO experts study search engine trends and utilize the results to market your website.
Along with marketing, the overall quality of your website makes a difference in its visibility. If you have a user-friendly design, quality content, navigation tools, and an interactive customer feedback section, your ranking will often be higher. Sites like Wikipedia have used these tactics successfully, and its results pop up on the first page of a search engine results page 80 percent of the time. Keep in mind that keyword research and link building are only about 15 percent of your website’s ranking. Original content is a crucial part of making your website visible. Any content that might have been plagiarized or copied can hurt your ranking on search engines like Google.
After you have invested in these marketing strategies, you can find a website grader tool online to check how your website is faring on search engines. Many websites offer a free website grader that gives your site a letter grade, and also breaks down how different aspects of your websites are doing against the competition. It also suggests how to improve these parts of your site by providing in depth analysis about keywords, links, and other marketing tools. They will also generate your visibility on social media sites. Twitter and Facebook are accessed the most on mobile phones. If your site’s Twitter or Facebook page is active, it will show up on a person’s feed when they open their own accounts.
Using a website grader tool is a great way to track your site’s progress, and assess what else you might need to do to improve your website. Along with SEO website analysis, a grader can be the best tool to market your company successfully and increase your search engine ranking. Promote and create a primer website that will barrel over your competition and make your company number one.