Ours is a visual age, no doubt about it. Smartphones are being made with larger screens simply we can have higher image resolution quality. Viewing space comes at a premium, so advertisers cover every stretch of it they can land.
This is why great logo design is so vital to the continuing success of a small business in particular. You want to be remembered, and you want to be seen as hip, sleek and web savvy, especially among the young folks. A great logo designer can take an idea, like the philosophy of your company, and transform it into a tangible, visually striking image that makes a statement of purpose. Here are some other aspects to consider about promoting yourself:
1. Networking socially
Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram are fantastic ways to produce a wealth of content. All it takes is your fans and followers one click to share that content, then they are doing marketing work for you, but for free. One of the most important aspects of social media marketing is how every site allows you to choose an avatar to represent yourself to the public.
This is where great logo design helps you become memorable. Think about it: You have to capture attention with something the size of a postage stamp or even smaller. How can you make a strong impression for brand marketing? This is perhaps why more and more marketers are rating Facebook as a vital tool in expanding their business — an increase of 83 percent in only the last two years, in fact.
2. Entering the blogosphere
Effective online marketing starts with content, plain and simple. You can then push this content out via social media, but you have to have plenty to push. You also need to have a website that users feel good about looking at, which is where the top logo designers can help you stay memorable.
It has been reported that companies that run a regularly updated blog get 55 percent more web traffic than those that do not. In addition, 57 percent of businesses say they have gained new customers specifically through their blogging efforts. With great logo design and something important and engaging to say, your blog becomes your most crucial asset to being discovered on the web.
3. Doing it yourself
A lot of small businesses are extremely tight-knit operations. Some are stretched so thin they cannot even begin to think about matters of great logo design or web marketing at all. But this is why it is more important now than ever before to hop aboard the web promotions train. If you do not, your competitors surely will and, most likely, they already have.
Currently, around 70 percent of small businesses spend fewer than three hours per week on email marketing. What they do not know is that this is one of the most potent tools for landing new business, which is also where great logo design comes into play. Get a plan together and stick with it. You can see how your business will grow from there. To see more, read this.
npr had a great feature on how album artwork is becoming more minimal in order to be seen in smaller capacities like on ipods and in thumbnail sizes