The copper penny from 1943 is one of the most valuable collectible coins. It can be worth up to $100,000. Coming across this little bugger may take a lifetime of luck or karma, but that does not stop me from checking the date on every penny I come across.
If you are looking for where to sell sterling silver, you have come to a fine place to start. I am, however, just going to refer you elsewhere. You want to go visit antique jewelry buyers, coin dealers and places you can sell estate jewelry.
When you come across change, do not take the pieces at face value. Every dime, quarter, half dollar and dollar coins from 1964 or earlier are silver, and therefore valuable once you find where to sell sterling silver near you.
The first coins to ever appear were pieces of bronze shaped to resemble cattle. They first came onto the scene of civilization in 2000 BC and were probably used primarily to purchase…well, cattle.
Where to sell silver may not be your only concern. Coin collecting and appreciation began in the 14th century. The hobby has since grown into an activity of global proportions.
If money is not your main concern, then where to sell sterling silver is not necessarily of your immediate concern. Where to sell sterling silver, however, may be of interest to you if you are strictly a collector, because you can purchase many US coins to add to your collection which date back to the 19th century for under $10.00.
Whether looking to make a buck or buy a coin, where to sell sterling silver will depend on where you live. Every major city has such a place. Go sniff it out and see what opportunities await you behind its doors!
I have over 5,000 coins in my collection. It was handed down to me by my father and I will never give it up.
Jesus! Are they old coins? If so, what is your oldest? Do you realize how much money you are just sitting on?
Jesus! Are they old coins? If so, what is your oldest? Do you realize how much money you are just sitting on?
Jesus! Are they old coins? If so, what is your oldest? Do you realize how much money you are just sitting on?
Jesus! Are they old coins? If so, what is your oldest? Do you realize how much money you are just sitting on?
Jesus! Are they old coins? If so, what is your oldest? Do you realize how much money you are just sitting on?