Each year, Americans suffer from approximately one billion colds. And, it is that time of year again when the average cold surfaces as a sore throat, runny nose, or achy joints with a bit more frequency. In lieu of wasting hours and copay dollars at your doctors office, urgent care clinic, or emergency room, where can you turn to for a quick and thorough diagnosis of what ails you?
An online physician may be to able to quickly diagnose you in a fraction of the time and cost of more traditional health care providers. In fact, an online diagnosis and prescription via an online doctor consultation can be as simple as having to answer a few questions. For example, 50 to 70 million American adults suffer from insomnia. This lack of sleep can manifest in many other ways, and an online physician or virtual doctor may be able to diagnose the root or source of your problem just by asking a few important questions. In addition, a lot of common complaints such as dry mouth, headaches, or lightheadedness could be the result of dehydration. By answering a few key questions, an online physician may be able to assess your symptoms and provide you with an online doctor prescription to simply drink more water!
The ease and access to an online physician may be the perfect panacea for a minor ailment. If, of course, a serious injury and fever is apparent, then an online physician may not be the right course of action for you. Great references here: www.memd.me